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An online platform for a quick image-based recognition of life.


The increasingly digital world we live in has transformed the way scientists approach biodiversity and how they perform taxonomical research. Nowadays, it is fundamental to publish the newly discovered species with optic, electronic images and traditional hand-crafted illustrations. These tools show us the minute details that are essential for species identification. They contribute with immediately testable data and help with the understanding of less well-known groups. That is how morphological information, complemented with geographical distribution, ecological and developmental traits, as well as with molecular data, has become a must to properly estimate the diversity of any group. However, information on such attributes is usually widely scattered in the literature, and is time consuming to gather.


Following what has been already done in several world databases and inventories that contain valuable details of organisms, we propose to develop a Digital Catalog of Organisms (DCO) using the marine annelids of family Syllidae from the Iberian Peninsula. DCO will be an online platform that compiles the necessary details for a quick image-based recognition of Syllidae species that can be later extended to other marine groups in different geographical areas.


Annelida image © Andrea Pomponi, Sapienza University of Rome, 2016.

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